Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tomorrow is the start of a new blogging era for me -- the post-retirement era!  I hope to be a better blogger as I will have more time to blog and more time to take photos of the gardens, the flowers, the orchard, my craft projects, etc., etc.  You get the idea -- I will have more time to do the things I love!  As an introduction to this new era I am posting a photo of the garden gate and arbor that lead into the veggie garden.  The gate was a handmade present from my husband for a long ago birthday.  The arbor was a handmade Valentine present from him just a few years ago.  The lovely pink rose that is rambling over the arbor is Tausendschon, which means Thousand Beauties.  It is a rambler that blooms once, but that blooming period lasts a long time through the spring and into the summer.  The lovely pink flowers bloom in clusters and the rose is thornless.